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HORUS spot

HORUS SPOT is a system dedicated to the management of space system operations in a format like an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The acronym SPOT stands for System Procedures, Operations, and Tasks. It was primarily developed for use in satellite operations, telescopes, radars, and overall space operations team management. However, it can be utilized in various types of operations.

Earth from Space

Target Market

Professionals involved in the space sector. The provided information caters to a wide range of roles, including:

• Satellite operators (at all levels of operation); Space object tracking sensor operators (optical and radar);

• Personnel responsible for technical and administrative activities in space operations centers;

• Professionals in universities and related fields involved in space operations and related area.

Main Functions


HORUS SPOT has the following capabilities:

• Create and monitor tasks;

• Record modifications of tasks and other activities;

• Store editable procedures with a history of modifications;

• Logbook for recording operation-relevant events; User manual;

• Dashboard for visualizing indices, statistics, and generating reports.

During space system operations, there are different teams, tasks, procedures, and events that need to be managed and recorded. It is common for this to start with the use of free software and in-house developed solutions by a few individuals within the system operation. This often leads to various problems in the short, medium, and long term. HORUS SPOT prevents a diversion of focus in operations due to the need for updates to in-house solutions, maintains a proper update cadence, and ensures specialized and dedicated support. Some key differentiating features of HORUS SPOT include:

• Optimized System for Space Operations

HORUS SPOT has been developed with optimization in mind to meet the specific demands of space operations. It offers dedicated tools and features that enhance the tasks of clients in their operational routines. Unlike other software with more generic management tools, HORUS SPOT focuses on providing tailored functionalities for the unique requirements of space operations.


• Personalized Support

Space operations evolve over the years, driven by technological advancements and the growing knowledge of the operational team, which follows a learning curve. Throughout the years of operation, various updates and modifications are required within procedures to enhance team performance. SAIPHER ATC offers personalized support services to meet these demands, without overburdening the team, allowing them to focus exclusively on operating their systems.


• Security

Cyberattacks pose a risk to all computer-operated systems. By using the HORUS SPOT system, users can be assured that they are utilizing software developed entirely by SAIPHER ATC, with the company's guarantee of security.

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